Intro - Resources - Process - A Situation - Conclusion


The websites listed below are online sources you can use in your research. To visit sites of interest just click on the descriptive titles of your choice.

An article on Adrien-Emmanuel Rouquette in the Catholic Encyclopedia

The full text of Rouquette's novel, La Nouvelle Atala

An article on Daniel Boone: "American Pioneer and Trailblazer"

A biographical sketch of Daniel Boone

An encyclopedia article on James Fenimore Cooper

A biographical sketch of Walt Whitman

An article on François-René de Chateaubriand in the Catholic Encyclopedia

A virtual tour of Combourg, Chateaubriand's hometown

The full text of Atala

A painting by Girodet: Atala au tombeau

The full text of René

An article in French on the popular novel

An encyclopedia article on Brook Farm and transcendentalism

Selections from works by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Orestes Brownson and transcendentalism

Asceticism and the Desert Fathers

Description of asceticism

An article on asceticism in the Catholic Encyclopedia

The official site of the Choctaw Nation

The official site of the Choctaw Nation of the Indian Territory

A history of the Choctaw Nation

Site of the Trail of Tears State Park

The full text of the Indian Removal Act of 1830

A painting by François Bernard: Forced Removal of a Choctaw Family

An article on the Choctaw Indians in the Catholic Encyclopedia

Louisiana history: New Orleans in the nineteenth century (Cabildo site)